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 How to unlock the secret of under eyes dark circle


under eyes dark circle, home remedies, diy, unlock the secret to eye

 "When I look into your eyes, I tend to lose my thoughts."

The first impression of a person begins from the eyes, which are the most attractive and beautiful sense organ. In our busy life schedule, we have somehow not given attention to our eyes, which indicates so many things about ourselves and our health. Eyes are the windows to the soul; it communicates and expresses the most beyond words. Not only love, but eyes also communicate respect, hatred, threat, interest, boredom, honesty, intimacy, and encouragement as well. Here, I'll answer to how to unlock the secret of under eyes dark circle and share a few points all you need to know about eyes dark circle and a few tips to take care of our eyes.

Audrey Hepburn says: The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides.

Aah! now I think this applies to both men and women.

Why are dark circles caused?

blood circulation, health indicator, natural care, eye cream

Dark circles under the eyes can be known as a good indicator of an impending condition and even foretell a serious health problem. These appearances can suggest issues from deficiencies in your kidneys to unhealthful sugar levels in your bloodstream.

The dark circles are found due to assorted causes such as:


psychological, emotional, stress, aging, dark circles under eye

While dark circles under the eye are not dangerous, and they can indicate health problems in the rest of the body or can create an appearance of fatigue or advanced age. Psychological and emotional reasons are absolutely why dark under-eye circles are so unpleasing to people.  Having the appearance of vitality facilitates relationships between friends and partners because people are naturally attracted to individuals who appear strong and healthy.  These drives correspond to basic and primitive survival instincts and persist in our modern world through our standards of beauty.

Along with external treatment, it is wise to consider various other aspects to establish the cause and bring about the necessary changes. Many of the changes you can make will also reduce wrinkles around the eyes, so it's a double benefit.  Taking control of your lifestyle and skin habits will help you appear as the most energized, healthy, attractive version of yourself. Cosmetic eye creams and eye serums will only be able to change so much, and a better plan is to address the root causes as well as treat the skin topically.


psychological, emotional stress, alchohol, smoking

1. Consume a healthy diet including antioxidant-rich, plant-based foods. Reduce or eliminate the consumption of alcohol and cigarettes.

2. Create optimal conditions for quality sleep.

3. Use a DIY facial mask to deeply hydrate and nourish the skin in the eye area.

4. Reduce or eliminate the consumption of alcohol and cigarettes.

5. Take quality supplements if your body is low on certain nutrients like iron, or to provide compounds that are beneficial for circulation.

6. Give your eye area a massage.  Lubricate skin with light oil or facial cleanser and gently massage the area from the nose outward to the cheek.

7. Usage of herbal extracts with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant actions can improve in reducing the appearance of dark circles.

8. Reduce pigmentation of darkened skin by using skincare containing natural skin lightening ingredients like licorice and Vitamin C to gently lighten color and stimulate collagen production.

The process to reduce the dark circle under the eye:

diy eye mask, eyes cream, massage eye, dark circle under eye

1) Massage:


  • Coconut oil
  • Almond oil


Mix both the oil equally and massage gently in a circular motion around the eye. Leave it for about an hour and always wash with normal temperature water.

2) Eye pack:


  • Fresh ground coconut
  • Cucumber 
  • 3 drops of Lemon juice


Mix all the ingredients as per your required quantity, you can drain a little of its juice and use it for your face mask too.  Make sure that the juice doesn't enter your eyes. It is an application to apply outside the closed eye. Apply and leave it for 20 min. Then wash it with normal water.

3) Tomato eye toner:


  • Tomato
  • 2 drops lime juice


It is an excellent exfoliating agent when it comes to skin and beauty regimes. Massage for about 10 min. in a circulatory motion and leave it for 20 min. Then wash it off with normal water.

4) Grated potato:


  • Potato


Potato is proven with very impressive results for blemishes, dark spots on the skin, and also for eyes dark circles. It is a natural dark circle DIY cream if you apply its paste and massage around the eye. Massage it gently for 10 min and apply as a mask on closed eyes and leave it for 15 min. Then wash with normal water. 

How to maintain and avoid dark circles naturally? 

yoga, meditation, health care, lifestyle, home remedies

Reduce the stress in your life by incorporating yoga, meditation, as a hobby at least three times a week into your life. This will change the way you look and feel. Knowing the causes of your problems should prompt you to deal with them appropriately. In the end, eliminating the dark circles under your eyes will help you avoid health complications and, of course, allow you to look more attractive. It is always a good idea to investigate further and consult with your doctor to find out the precise cause of those under-eye dark circles if you suspect you may have a medical condition. Taking control of how you care for your body will make a big difference for you.

 "Eyes are captivatingly beautiful not because of the color, but because of the words they hold within them."


* Do this every day.

* Wash your eyes at least 5-6 times a day with normal water.

* Try to have a relaxed lifestyle, and not load yourself with work physically or mentally.

* Tried and tested to reduce dark circles under the eye.

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The information contained on this site is general and for informational purposes. It is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other medical professionals. None of the statements on this site is a recommendation as to how to treat any particular disease or health-related condition. If you suspect you have a disease or health-related condition of any kind, you should contact your health care professional immediately. Please read carefully and consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise, supplementation, or medication. 


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  1. Informative. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thank you! Results doesn't show in a day, so caring for eyes everyday should be our daily routine.
    Take care 😊


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